Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to hide specific rows in TABLE?

My report result has 100 lines of records (details) and I only want to
display the first 10 rows and hide the rest of them. How can I achieve
KeithYou can set the visibilty property of the row based on the count of some
distinict item in the details being less than ten.
for example the expression for the visibiltiy property might read:
iif( Count( Fields!UniqueDetailItem.Value, "GroupNameIfNeeded" ) > 10,
True, False )
Hope this helps.
"Keith" wrote:
> My report result has 100 lines of records (details) and I only want to
> display the first 10 rows and hide the rest of them. How can I achieve
> that?
> Thanks,
> Keith
>|||Thanks Rand!
I tried with this expression something like:
=iif( Count( Fields!zzcusteu.Value) > 10, True, False )
But it still doesn't work. It just counted the total # of rows, if >10,
then hide all the rows (I want to the first 10 rows to be visible).
Any idea?
You can use this expression:
=iif( RowNumber( Nothing) > 10, True, False )
Since Count() return the total number of records, but RowNumber() return
the current row number
"Keith" wrote:
> Thanks Rand!
> I tried with this expression something like:
> =iif( Count( Fields!zzcusteu.Value) > 10, True, False )
> But it still doesn't work. It just counted the total # of rows, if >10,
> then hide all the rows (I want to the first 10 rows to be visible).
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Keith

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