Friday, February 24, 2012

How to ignore timepart when using LookUp with date.


I want to lookup the datekeys from my datedimension. However it does not work because matching for same dates does not work because of different timeparts. The dates in my lookup-table have a 00:00:00 timepart, but the dates in my input table have a non-zero timepart. How can I ignore the timeparts or make the timeparts zero?

HenkI found a workaround:

add a derived column component before and cast to DT_DBDATE first and than back to DT_DBTIMESTAMP to get rid of the timepart: (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)(DT_DBDATE)DateColumn.

I am still interested in a solution that doesn't require an extra component.

Henk|||Can you not use T-SQL to change the data at source?

-Jamie|||Yes that's true, but the sports of SSIS is in doing it without coding T-SQL Smile

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