Friday, February 24, 2012

How to identify which version we have?

How do I tell if I am running SQL2K Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition? We have a 2-node cluster. Does that imply Enterprise Edition, or could Standard do that as well? Thanks for any info.

If it's SQL 2000, only Enterprise is supported in a cluster configuration...if SQL 2005, Standard is also supported.

You can run the following to find your the edition of the server you are running...just connect via Query Analyzer to the instance you want to verify and execute:

select SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')

|||Thanks, that was very helpful. We are kicking around upgrade questions. The price for 2005 Enterprise is very much higher than Standard, but because we have 2000 Enterprise we were wondering if we needed that version in 2005 flavor as well. It looks like, with just a dual-node cluster, 2005 Standard fills the functionality that 2000 Enterprise had at least for clustering. Of course we don't get online recovery, online indexing, etc, but at least we could move to SQL 2005 Standard, get similar clustering functionality to what we have now and save $50K. That would take a very big bite out of our budget.

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