Friday, February 24, 2012

How to implement a data base design for multi language support?

I have searched the web for several hours now to find a reference solution
based on the available features of Sql Server 2005 to implement a data base
with multi language support.
I would like to create a database that is able to store multiple
translations (text in different languages) for the same original value.
--> tblProducts, Field ProductDescription --> One field, manny languages
If I query this table/field with a current UI-Culture from it should be 'intelligent' and return the value based on
the UI-Culture. It should work like the culture stuff in the GUI...
I am lookig for a solution, where I can store all the language relevant
informations in the same field. Do I have to use an XML-field or a user
defined field? Is there something like a "best practise" for this kind of
database design available?
I would like to avoid a 1 to many relation for all culture relevant fields
in my database...
Thanks for any hint,
DirkAt previous company i worked at they had multi language support and
they used what was like a codes table. w/ a language type ID
associated w/ all the words on the various pages. depending on the
language type code it would pull in the words to the page. so they
just stored 10 differenet sets of language codes in the db. they
brought it in fresh everytime w/ a select statement.|||Hi Thomas,
thanks for your reply. I'm sure this approch works but I would like to make
it easier. With your solution I have to join the tables every time I need a
lagnuage relevant value.
I was thinking about using the Sql Server 2005 FieldType 'xml' and store a
xml strcture in every relevant field like
<value culture='en-us'>
<value culture='de-de'>
I just want to hear some solution from others just to make it no so

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