i want to store value of time in the database i.e. the 'time in' and 'time out' value for a particular entry of an employee. i have take datetime as a datatype in MS SQL 2000 database and my language is vb.net. How can i store time value in my database?
There is no datatype strictly for the time. I suggest storing the entire date and time value. What if your employee clocks in at 7:00 PM and clocks out at 3:00 AM?|||You told me write to store time in datetime data type along with date. But in what format should I enter the values if I want to store the values in 24 hrs. time format?|||Well, I didn't tell you to store the data in a datetime data type, but I did suggest it. You can see from thedatetime and smalldatetime documentation that SQL Server stores the data in two 4-byte integers, the first 4 bytes store the offset from the base date (January 1, 1900). The other 4 bytes store the number of milliseconds after midnight.You might use something like this to set a date/time as a parameter value:
myCommand.Parameters.Add("@.DateTimeIn", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTime.Parse("2006-03-04 23:01:00")|||
Datetime values by their nature do not have a "format". It's when you convert the datetime to a string that the string has a "format". (format is quoted because, yes, of course datetime has a format, as tmorton pointed out, but it's not what most people mean)
Just to point this out further, in tmorton's MyCommand.Parameters.Add statement above, you are giving the .value a datetime object. Datetime.Parse("some string"), takes the string in a format that datetime can covert to a valid datetime object, based on your current culture's standard date and time formats. The format tmorton chose (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD.SSS) is the one least likely to give any problems because it is universally available in all cultures, unlike say MM/DD/YYYY which is available in en-US, or (guessing) DD/MM/YYYY in en-GB, or DD.MM.YYYY in fr-FR (Sorry if these aren't the correct formats for England and/or France).
I got my problem soluation but a small problem still remailns.
I am displaying my records in datagrid with code as...
<asp:Label ID="timeinlbl" Width = 30 Runat = server text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.timein","{0:hh:mm}")%>'>
It shows me time in '08:30' format. I want to also display am/pm format. What should I add to display the format 'am/pm'?
geek.net wrote:
What should I add to display the format 'am/pm'?
Starting from here:BoundColumn.DataFormatString Property, I followed the link to:Formatting Overview. From there I followed the link to:Date and Time Format Strings, and then followed the final link to:Custom DateTime Format Strings. This page should help you discover the exact format string you need.