I want to split the records from table1 and insert the splited records to table2. The trigger is working fine when i am trying to update single record. but the trigger is not working properly at the time of batch update. At the time of batch update it is split the last record from the query and insert that into table2 instead of inserting all the records.
Pls help me........I suspect you wrote your trigger to work with one record at a time. I say this because of your comment of the trigger working for a one record update and the LAST record in a batch. Take a look at your trigger and ask yourself "What happens if I have three records to deal with in either the inserted OR deleted temp tables?"
Post your trigger and maybe we can offer some suggestions.|||Hi
This is the trigger i have used to split the records for various conditions from table1 and insert the splitted records into another table table2
The Problem i'm facing is if it is single update(if only one row is affected) the trigger is working fine,
but not for batch update.
if you are unable to follow this trigger pls give your own batch update example, we will try to implement that.
pls help me.
CREATE trigger udt_Break_Split
ON Hours_tmp
this trigger is used to do the break split in the table hours_tmp
and insert the records into the table selnmuamid
Declare @.Id int
Declare @.Res_id nvarchar(8)
Declare @.DTime smalldatetime
Declare @.StartTime char(5)
Declare @.EndTime char(5)
Declare @.Pauze char(5)
Declare @.Hourworked nvarchar(5)
Declare @.Status char(1)
--Declare @.PPayroll bit
Declare @.Project nvarchar(10)
Declare @.Naam char(50)
Declare @.Type char(5)
Declare @.Hryear nvarchar(4)
Declare @.Totmin char(5)
Declare @.Endtimebr char(5)
Declare @.Stime char(5)
Declare @.Start char(5)
Declare @.Processed char(1)
Declare @.del_DTime smalldatetime
Declare @.del_StartTime char(5)
Declare @.del_EndTime char(5)
Declare @.Del_id int
Declare @.Totrows int
--update hours_tmp set hours_tmp.processed_payroll =1 from hours_tmp , inserted where hours_tmp.id = inserted.id
Select @.Id=Id,
From inserted -- i ,Hours_tmp h where i.[Id] = h.[id]
Select @.del_DTime=[DateTime],
@.del_endTime=Endtime ,
From Deleted
Delete From Selnmuamid
Where Res_id=@.Res_id
and Datetime=@.del_DTime
and Starttime >=@.del_starttime
and Endtime <=@.del_endtime
-- This is To Get total hours (hourworked column in the table ) in minutes
Select @.Totmin=Sum(Convert(Integer,(Left(@.hourworked,Char index('.',@.hourworked)-1) *
60)) +Convert(Integer,(Right(@.hourworked,Len(@.hourworke d) -
Charindex('.',@.hourworked))))),@.Endtimebr=Sum(Conv ert(Integer,(Left(@.Endtime,Charindex(':',@.Endtime) -1) *
60)) + Convert(Integer,(Right(@.Endtime,Len(@.Endtime) -
Charindex(':',@.Endtime))))),@.Stime=Sum(Convert(Int eger,(Left(@.Start,Charindex(':',@.Start)-1) * 60)) +
Convert(Integer,(Right(@.Start,Len(@.Start) - Charindex(':',@.Start)))))
--Values Passed as Parameter to Stored procedure Break_Split
Exec Break_Split @.Id,@.Res_id,@.DTime,@.Start,@.EndTime,@.Pauze,
@.Hryear,@.Totmin,@.Endtimebr,@.STime,@.Processed|||basically I just wrapped your code in a while loop to step through each record in the inserted temp table. Then I moveded the delete Selnmuamid to the end.
This has NOT been tested!
CREATE trigger udt_Break_Split
ON Hours_tmp
this trigger is used to do the break split in the table hours_tmp
and insert the records into the table selnmuamid
-- ----------------
-- One Declare is more efficient than multipule declares
-- ----------------
Declare @.Id int
, @.Res_id nvarchar(8)
, @.DTime smalldatetime
, @.StartTime char(5)
, @.EndTime char(5)
, @.Pauze char(5)
, @.Hourworked nvarchar(5)
, @.Status char(1)
-- , @.PPayroll bit
, @.Project nvarchar(10)
, @.Naam char(50)
, @.Type char(5)
, @.Hryear nvarchar(4)
, @.Totmin char(5)
, @.Endtimebr char(5)
, @.Stime char(5)
, @.Start char(5)
, @.Processed char(1)
, @.del_DTime smalldatetime
, @.del_StartTime char(5)
, @.del_EndTime char(5)
, @.Del_id int
, @.Totrows int
--update hours_tmp set hours_tmp.processed_payroll =1 from hours_tmp , inserted where hours_tmp.id = inserted.id
select @.Id = min(ID) from inserted
while (@.Id is not null) begin
Select @.Res_id = Res_id
, @.DTime = [Datetime]
, @.Start = Starttime
, @.EndTime = Endtime
, @.Pauze = Pauze
, @.Hourworked = Hoursworked
, @.Status = Status
, @.Project = Project
, @.Naam = Naam
, @.Type = Type
, @.Hryear = Hryear
, @.Processed = Processed
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Hoursworked, Endtime and StartTime need to be converted to minutes
-- ---------------------------------------------------
, @.Totmin = Convert(Integer,(Left(Hoursworked,Charindex('.',Ho ursworked)-1) * 60)) + Convert(Integer,(Right(Hoursworked,Len(Hoursworked ) - Charindex('. ',Hoursworked))))
, @.Endtimebr = Convert(Integer,(Left(Endtime, Charindex(':',Endtime)-1) * 60)) + Convert(Integer,(Right(Endtime, Len(Endtime) - Charindex(':',Endtime))))
, @.Stime = Convert(Integer,(Left(Starttime, Charindex(':',Starttime)-1) * 60)) + Convert(Integer,(Right(Starttime, Len(Starttime) - Charindex(':',Starttime)))))
From inserted i
where id = @.id
-- This is To Get total hours (hourworked column in the table ) in minutes
Select @.Totmin = Sum(Convert(Integer,(Left(@.hourworked,Charindex('. ',@.hourworked)-1) * 60)) +
Convert(Integer,(Right(@.hourworked,Len(@.hourworked ) - Charindex('. ',@.hourworked)))))
, @.Endtimebr = Sum(Convert(Integer,(Left(@.Endtime,Charindex(':',@. Endtime)-1) * 60)) +
Convert(Integer,(Right(@.Endtime,Len(@.Endtime) - Charindex(':',@.Endtime)))))
, @.Stime = Sum(Convert(Integer,(Left(@.Start,Charindex(':',@.St art)-1) * 60)) +
Convert(Integer,(Right(@.Start,Len(@.Start) - Charindex(':',@.Start)))))
-- Values Passed as Parameter to Stored procedure Break_Split
Exec Break_Split @.Id,@.Res_id,@.DTime,@.Start,@.EndTime,@.Pauze,@.Hourwor ked,@.Status,@.Project,@.Naam,@.Type,@.Hryear,@.Totmin,@. Endtimebr,@.STime,@.Processed
select @.Id = min(ID) from inserted where id > @.id
-- -------------------
-- The deleted temp table can be joined to the Selnmuamid table
-- to deleted the unwanted records. If you need the ID from the
-- inserted table then join the inserted table with the
-- deleted table and then join the Selnmuamid table.
-- This is a good example of how you can ditch the row-at-a-time
-- mentality and start using set theory for processing records.
-- -------------------
from Selnmuamid s
join deleted d on s.Res_id = d.Res_id
where [s.Datetime] = d.del_DTime
and s.Starttime >= d.del_starttime
and s.Endtime <= d.del_endtime
Select @.del_DTime = [DateTime]
, @.del_Starttime = Starttime
, @.del_endTime = Endtime
, @.del_id = [id]
From Deleted
where Id = @.Id
From Selnmuamid
Where Res_id = @.Res_id
and [Datetime] = @.del_DTime
and Starttime >= @.del_starttime
and Endtime <= @.del_endtime
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