Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to insert data into table

can some one help me, how can i insert data, using some commands,


two server, srv01 and srv02, both have database sales and both a table saleshistory


insert into srv02.sales.dbo.saleshistory select * from srv01.sales.dbo.saleshistory where id > srv02.sales.dbo.saleshistory.max(id)

In other words, you want to get all records from srv01 that are not on srv02, and insert them into srv02. Correct?

This will help you:



i want to push data from srv01 to srv02, and your example is for same server with two tables, its ok , i have written a small ssis package and its really cooool...

any ways thanks Jamie... :)


The location of the tables for the example is utterly irrelevant. The technique still works.

As long as you've got a solution anyway, that's the important thing!


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