Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to insert all info from a table of database to onther table of other databas

I have two database and both of them has the same table, i want to copy all info from this first table to the secornd table

For Example:
Database : DB_1, table is table_1
Database : DB_2, table is table_2

both table_1 and table_2 have the same struct

how can i insert all records from table_1 to table_2

thanksYou can use DTS by using wizard from enterprise manager, if its one-off option.
Otherwise schedule that package as a job oto execute in periodic basis.|||if it is just one table and one time affair, then u can just import the data from EM using the import wizard.|||can you show me in programming|||Use a SELECT subquery to specify the data values for one or more rows.
INSERT INTO MyTable (PriKey, Description)
SELECT ForeignKey, Description
FROM SomeView

And review information from SQL books online.

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