Friday, March 30, 2012

how to insert sp_helptext output into a table?

hi Freinds,
SQL 2000
How can I insert the output of sp_helptext mytriggername into a table?
Sp_helptext out put is a table ! I need to collect the rows into a custom
Thanks in advance,
PatCREATE TABLE #trigger
[text] VARCHAR(8000)
INSERT #trigger EXEC sp_helptext insContactEmailFormatNull
SELECT * FROM #trigger
DROP TABLE #trigger
Of course, you could have silly triggers that go more than 8000 characters
without a carriage return. In that case I would suggest CREATE TABLE
#PeopleToShoot(EmployeeID INT) ...
"Patrick" <> wrote in message
> hi Freinds,
> SQL 2000
> How can I insert the output of sp_helptext mytriggername into a table?
> Sp_helptext out put is a table ! I need to collect the rows into a custom
> table.
> Thanks in advance,
> Pat
>|||> ... CREATE TABLE
#PeopleToShoot(EmployeeID INT) ...
I'd suggest a permanent table for that.

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