Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
RajeshHi Rajesh,
I am presently working on storing and retrieving image on SQL 2000 using VB6.
I would be very much grateful if you could pls send me codes u have that can hlp me.
Thanks a lot
NB my email is prak_07@.servihoo.com|||Originally posted by rajeshm
Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
Hi There,
I would also be interested to have this stored procedure.
I would be greatful if you send it to me
gunnar.westerberg@.iftech.se|||Rajesh I would also like to have the code and the SP for using the same in my project. please send me a copy also. My mail Id is dineshyadav@.yahoo.com. Thanks in Advance
Dinesh|||Can you post the Code ?
BTW what are you store in the DB ? the path to the Image ?
Eyal|||Hi Rajesh,
Does your SP supports storing upto 100 MB of data??
Please send me the code ...It would be of great help for me.
I am waiting for a long time for such help. I have my own one ...but it fails for 100 MB. Please send urs.
My E-mail id is avneesh@.newgen.co.in
Thanks in advance and hope u send it ASAP.
Avneesh|||Originally posted by rajeshm
Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
Hai ...
Please send me your code too. Cause i need it for my next project.
ps : My email desy_g@.hotmail.com|||hello rajesh
I want to store word documents and pictures in SQL server 2000.is it possible with SQL server2000.if please send me your code in
subyphilip@.indiatimes.com|||I have seen similar thread in other forums with no results for getting SP from the originator.
You can use REDADTEXT/WRITETEXT/UPDATETEXT to dealwith text/image datatypes and refer to books online for more information.
Also may check under Umachander's (http://www.umachandar.com/) homepage for the code.|||Please send me the code
My Email-id is mdabidullah@.indiatimes.com
Thanks in advance and hope u send it ASAP.
Originally posted by rajeshm
Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
Rajesh|||This looks like a hot thread. I also have a similar problem - inserting into image columns from a script. Im interested in that code too. Cheers!|||I bet you will not get reply/mail from the originator about the code.
As referred you browse thru the Umachander's page and also search under Planet source code (http://www.planet-source-code.com) for similar issue, this will save your time and gives you more resources.|||Thanks for that link. Once i come up with the soln to ma kinda of problem, i will share it with you forum members.|||Appreciate your spirit.|||Originally posted by rajeshm
Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
I too would be interested in the code. Thanks
victor@.keilman.com|||what's up with this "know-how"?? hasn't anybody tried it at all?
create table tblImages (ImageID int identity(1,1) not null, Contents image null)
create procedure sp_AddImage (
@.image image )
declare @.ImageID int, @.txtptr varbinary(16)
begin tran
insert tblImages (Contents) values (null)
set @.ImageID = scope_identity()
--this part is to ensure that NULL is written to the image field
update tblImages set Contents = null where ImageID = @.ImageID
select @.txtptr = textptr(Contents)
from tblImages
where ImageID = @.ImageID
writetext tblImages.Contents @.txtptr @.image
if @.@.error != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to write new image to the table!', 15, 1)
rollback tran
return (1)
commit tran
select RetVal = @.ImageID
return (0)
exec sp_AddImage 0x00000fffff|||ms_sql_dba, just think of all the people you have made happy today!
A thousand smilies for you: POWER(POWER( :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) , 10), 10)|||ms_sql_dba: I like the code. I have never worked with image/text data before, so I don't know how long it would have taken me to get that insert null trick to recover the identity value. Nice job.|||Please send the code to me
I have never worked with images in SQL. Your code works like butter. Beautiful. But I have a question. How would I use it? What would an application pass to me(image, image reference or path to the image?)? How would I give the image back to the application?
Thanks.|||i am interested in this script.
i am happy if you send to me...thanks
my e-mail is hckot@.yahoo.com.hk|||hi,
I am Manoj from INDIA.
I have installed Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000 Desktop Edition.
I want to see all the databases created in SQL SERVER in the VISUAL BASIC. If it were ORACLE we can query by "select * from tab" from VB and populate the listbox with the resulset. But in SQLSERVER the query is not working. Ehat should i do?
Awaiting for ur reply..
-Manoj|||Do you need all the databases or all the tables
select * from tab in Oracle would give you all the tables .. not the databases.
For selecting all tables from a particular database in sql server
select * from sysobjects where type = 'U'|||Originally posted by rajeshm
Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
I would like to look at your stored procedure. Can you send it to me I would be very greatful.
Thanks in advance
//Moon|||Dosen't anyody read the entire post ....
Originally posted by ms_sql_dba
what's up with this "know-how"?? hasn't anybody tried it at all?
create table tblImages (ImageID int identity(1,1) not null, Contents image null)
create procedure sp_AddImage (
@.image image )
declare @.ImageID int, @.txtptr varbinary(16)
begin tran
insert tblImages (Contents) values (null)
set @.ImageID = scope_identity()
--this part is to ensure that NULL is written to the image field
update tblImages set Contents = null where ImageID = @.ImageID
select @.txtptr = textptr(Contents)
from tblImages
where ImageID = @.ImageID
writetext tblImages.Contents @.txtptr @.image
if @.@.error != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to write new image to the table!', 15, 1)
rollback tran
return (1)
commit tran
select RetVal = @.ImageID
return (0)
exec sp_AddImage 0x00000fffff
------------------------|||Hello, people! This thread is 2 YEARS OLD! And the guy never posted again...
Everything on this thread should be deleted except MS_SQL_DBA's code.|||Where is the moderator when you need him the most :)|||can you send me your proc that store images to ..
does your code do this..
get all rows in a tables.. in a stroc proc..and save them back to a new table and one table is a image field.. ?
thanx... been searching for tree days now..on this
Originally posted by rajeshm
Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
Rajesh|||Wow! This thread still hasn't been read properly. ;)|||Do you think some ppl are just dumb? or someone is using diff logins just for the fun of it and posting the same request over and over again......|||Hey Patrick ... what does SQL Padawan mean|||Originally posted by Enigma
Hey Patrick ... what does SQL Padawan mean
Dear SQL Apostle,
Have you seen Star Wars? Before you become a Jedi, u'r a Padawan...
This thread is really going out from it original topic....|||Hmm .. Star Wars was never my kinda science fiction ... unbelievable (pun intended) ... Gattaca is more like it ...
So ... when you get your fourth star ..do you become a SQL Jedi Knight ;)
BTW .. this thread was never on topic anyway.|||Kinda already taken...
http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/members.asp|||Gattaca gets four stars from me.
"I never saved anything for the swim back."|||Originally posted by blindman
Gattaca gets four stars from me.
"I never saved anything for the swim back."
My favourite quote too ...|||is this code still available|||Dawn Of The Dead Post|||The code is available halfway through this thread. I believe ms_sql_dba was good enough to put it in here for everyone.
So why can't this thread get sent to the marketplace?|||Send it to the trash bin.|||soz of the dumb question before...didnt actually read the whole thread SOZ...listen what exactly does this bit of code do?
PLEASE HELP i really need to store images on my database....
THANKS|||It's best not to store images in the database, rather, store only a
reference to the image in the database, ie, a text field
containing "c:\wwwroot\images\userphotos\user1\user1.jpg"
If you are having people upload files to your site, you can use asp's
filesystemobject to dynamically create such a file structure.
Follow this http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=986 link for more information to store images to database.|||I have a question: How can I copy the binary value from tableA.columnA to tableB.columnB? Both of them are image fields. I have tried using updatetext but kept giving the error 'NULL textptr (text, ntext, or image pointer) passed to UpdateText function'. Does you have any samples or code snippets? Thanks!
Originally posted by Satya
I have seen similar thread in other forums with no results for getting SP from the originator.
You can use REDADTEXT/WRITETEXT/UPDATETEXT to dealwith text/image datatypes and refer to books online for more information.
Also may check under Umachander's (http://www.umachandar.com/) homepage for the code.|||Originally posted by Patrick Chua
Do you think some ppl are just dumb? or someone is using diff logins just for the fun of it and posting the same request over and over again...... good questions, hey?!|||Originally posted by stephanie_lim
I have a question: How can I copy the binary value from tableA.columnA to tableB.columnB? Both of them are image fields. I have tried using updatetext but kept giving the error 'NULL textptr (text, ntext, or image pointer) passed to UpdateText function'. Does you have any samples or code snippets? Thanks!
------- you have to update your text/image field to null before retrieving the txtptr.|||why not using 3rd tool to help u.
I suggest u trying borland datapump(an extended tool in delphi install package).
Last ,don't forget u can write a program(vb,delphi,java,etc) to do it by yourself .
It's very easy.|||Originally posted by Satya
It's best not to store images in the database, rather, store only a
reference to the image in the database, ie, a text field
containing "c:\wwwroot\images\userphotos\user1\user1.jpg"
If you are having people upload files to your site, you can use asp's
filesystemobject to dynamically create such a file structure.
Follow this http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=986 link for more information to store images to database. satya,
you sound like it's been an industry standard to store the actual images as file system objects, rather than in the database. it's actually a matter of trust you have with one over the other. it also depends on the app itself, - surely you don't plan to search for the contents of the file even if it is of type text if it is stored in the database. i successfully implemented storing hard-copy documents in the database that get displayed whenever a hard-copy is requested by the user. i also stored report definitions as well as report outputs into image fields so that they can be viewed using the same format/the same content as when they originally produced. i just don't see a justification for this dogmatic approach. do you?|||ON the basis of performance and managebility I recommended (industry standard as you mentioned) to use the file paths instead of storing them on the database.
If your approach are fetching good results without any issues... say no issues with the database consistency then follow it. As far as my experience is concerned I tend to suggest to use file paths rather than storing images directly on the database.:)|||could you be so kind to refer me to a white paper or a publication where this "industry standard" is being discussed? i'd like to at least conceptually imagine the reasoning for this "standard" to even exist.
thanks|||[http://www.sql-server-performance.com/q&a17.asp] for instance.|||even though it's not a white paper or publication, but rather a personal opinion of an author, i'd like to comment on it:
"...storing BLOB objects in SQL Server is cumbersome..." - only if you are not sure how to do it or the method to do it is not the most efficient
"The most commonly accepted way of managing images for a website is not to store the images in the database, but only to store the URL in the database, and to store the images on a file share that has been made a virtual folder of your web server." - please note that (while still being the personal opinion of the author) the paragraph above states that it's "the most commonly accepted". i'd question that because the shops that i worked for and know of accepted the "more cumbursome" way of dealing with images and documents, and that's how they managed to be more successful than the others. you'd ask me what happened to the others? one example is when system administrator decided to reorganize the file structure which resulted in web-site being out of commission until the "more cumbursome" way was introduced and resolved the issue...forever ;)|||I need the code. Thank you.
My email: kim78@.streamyx.com|||Is this thread ever gonna die down ?|||The Code:
Dim ReferTread as this.tread
Dim Understand boolean
if Understand=1
Response.write("You figured it out!")
elseif Understand=0
Response.write("Forget programming")
end if|||OK, ms_sql_dba's code was neat, but there is ADO.Stream object that pretty much does the same.
The alternative to it is the following (please do not ask to repost!!!) which I left unmodified:
-- Ensure QUOTED_IDENTIFIER setting is OFF
set quoted_identifier off
-- Drop all participating objects
if object_id('dbo.sp_OA_CreateFile') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_OA_CreateFile
if object_id('dbo.sp_OA_WriteLineToFile') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_OA_WriteLineToFile
if object_id('dbo.sp_OA_CloseFile') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_OA_CloseFile
if object_id('dbo.sp_StoreImage2Table') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_StoreImage2Table
if object_id('dbo.tblDocumentSubCategories') is not null
drop table dbo.tblDocumentSubCategories
if object_id('dbo.tblDocumentCategories') is not null
drop table dbo.tblDocumentCategories
if object_id('dbo.tblDocumentTypes') is not null
drop table dbo.tblDocumentTypes
if object_id('dbo.tblImages_tmp') is not null
drop table dbo.tblImages_tmp
if object_id('dbo.fn_DateFromCharacter') is not null
drop function dbo.fn_DateFromCharacter
if object_id('dbo.tblDocuments') is not null
drop table dbo.tblDocuments
-- Build the database structure to store binary data
create table dbo.tblDocumentTypes (
TypeID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered,
[Description] nvarchar(450) not null )
create table dbo.tblDocumentCategories (
CategoryID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered,
[Description] nvarchar(450) not null )
create table dbo.tblDocumentSubCategories (
SubCategoryID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered,
CategoryID int not null,
[Description] nvarchar(450) not null )
alter table dbo.tblDocumentSubCategories
add constraint FK_DocumentCategories foreign key (CategoryID)
references dbo.tblDocumentCategories (CategoryID)
alter table dbo.tblDocumentCategories
add constraint UC_UniqueDocumentCategory unique ([Description])
create table dbo.tblImages_tmp (fImage image null)
create table dbo.tblDocuments (
DocumentID int identity(1,1) not null primary key nonclustered,
TypeID int not null,
CategoryID int not null,
SubCategoryID int not null,
DocumentName nvarchar(2000) not null,
[Description] nvarchar(255) not null,
DocumentSize int not null,
AlternateName nchar(12) not null,
CreattionDate datetime not null,
LastModified datetime not null,
LastAccessed datetime not null,
Attributes varchar(10) not null,
DocumentImage image null)
create function dbo.fn_DateFromCharacter (
@.DatePart char(8),
@.TimePart char(6) ) returns datetime
as begin
declare @.Date datetime, @.MonthDay char(4), @.Year char(4), @.Month char(2), @.Day char(2)
declare @.Hour char(2), @.Minute char(2), @.Second char(2)
set @.MonthDay = reverse(cast(reverse(@.DatePart) as char(4)))
set @.Month = cast(@.MonthDay as char(2))
set @.Day = reverse(cast(reverse(@.MonthDay) as char(2)))
set @.Year = cast(@.DatePart as char(4))
set @.TimePart = right('000000'+@.TimePart, 6)
set @.Hour = cast(@.TimePart as char(2))
set @.Second = reverse(cast(reverse(@.TimePart) as char(2)))
set @.Minute = cast(reverse(cast(reverse(@.TimePart) as char(4))) as char(2))
return cast(@.Month + '/' + @.Day + '/' + @.Year + ' ' + @.Hour + ':' + @.Minute + ':' + @.Second as datetime)
create procedure dbo.sp_OA_CreateFile (
@.FileName nvarchar(2000) = null,
@.FileID int output,
@.fs int output)
declare @.result int
exec @.result = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @.fs output
if @.result != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to create Scripting.FileSystemObject!', 15, 1)
return (1)
exec @.result = sp_OAMethod @.fs, 'CreateTextFile', @.FileID output, @.FileName, 1
if @.result != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to create/overwrite specified file!', 15, 1)
return (1)
return (0)
create procedure dbo.sp_OA_WriteLineToFile (
@.FileID int,
@.Line varchar(8000) = null)
declare @.result int
exec @.result = sp_OAMethod @.FileID, 'WriteLine', null, @.Line
if @.result != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to write specified line to file!', 15, 1)
return (1)
return (0)
create procedure dbo.sp_OA_CloseFile (
@.FileID int,
@.fs int )
declare @.result int
exec @.result = sp_OADestroy @.FileID
if @.result != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to close file!', 15, 1)
return (1)
exec @.result = sp_OADestroy @.fs
if @.result != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to close Scripting.FileSystemObject!', 15, 1)
return (1)
return (0)
create procedure dbo.sp_StoreImage2Table (
@.FileName nvarchar(4000) = null,
@.FileDescription varchar (255) = null,
@.TypeID int = 0,
@.CategoryID int = 0,
@.SubCategoryID int = 0)
set nocount on
declare @.FileSize int,
@.Path nvarchar(4000),
@.FmtFile nvarchar(4000),
@.cmd varchar(8000),
@.DocumentID int,
@.ptr binary(16),
@.ptr_tmp binary(16),
@.fs int,
@.FileID int,
@.error int
if @.FileName is null begin
raiserror ('File name must be specified!', 15, 1)
return (1)
if @.FileDescription is null begin
raiserror ('File description must be specified!', 15, 1)
return (1)
if charindex('\', @.FileName) = 0 begin
set @.cmd = 'File name <' + upper(@.FileName) + '> is of invalid name!'
raiserror (@.cmd, 15, 1)
return (1)
if @.TypeID = 0 begin --Type of document has noot been specified
raiserror ('Document type is not specified!', 15, 1)
return (1)
if @.CategoryID = 0 begin --Document category has noot been specified
raiserror ('Document category is not specified!', 15, 1)
return (1)
if @.SubCategoryID = 0 begin --Document Sub-category has noot been specified
raiserror ('Document sub-category is not specified!', 15, 1)
return (1)
set @.Path = reverse(substring(reverse(@.FileName), charindex('\', reverse(@.FileName), 1), 4000))
set @.FmtFile = @.Path + 'fmt.fmt'
begin tran
create table #FileInfo (
AlternateName nchar(12) null,
FileSize int null,
CreationDate char(8) null,
CreationTime char(6) null,
LastWrittenDate char(8) null,
LastWrittenTime char(6) null,
LastAccessedDate char(8) null,
LastAccessedTime char(6) null,
Attributes varchar(10) null )
create table #output ([output] varchar(8000) null)
commit tran
insert #FileInfo exec master.dbo.xp_getfiledetails @.FileName
select @.FileSize = FileSize from #FileInfo
if @.FileSize is null begin
set @.cmd = 'Specified file <' + upper(@.FileName) + '> does not exist!'
raiserror (@.cmd, 15, 1)
return (1)
-- Create format file
exec dbo.sp_OA_CreateFile @.FmtFile, @.FileID output, @.fs output
exec dbo.sp_OA_WriteLineToFile @.FileID, '8.0'
exec dbo.sp_OA_WriteLineToFile @.FileID, '1'
set @.cmd = "1 " +
space(8) + "SQLIMAGE" + space(8) + "0" + space(8) +
cast(@.FileSize as varchar(25)) + space(8) +
char(34) + char(34) + space(8) + "1" + space(8) +
"fImage" + space(8) + char(34) + char(34)
exec dbo.sp_OA_WriteLineToFile @.FileID, @.cmd
exec dbo.sp_OA_CloseFile @.FileID, @.fs
-- Store binary data to temporary location in the database
if exists (select 1 from dbo.tblImages_tmp (nolock)) delete dbo.tblImages_tmp
set @.cmd = "bulk insert " + db_name() + ".dbo.tblImages_tmp from '" + @.FileName + "' " +
"with (formatfile = '" + @.FmtFile + "')"
exec (@.cmd)
set @.cmd = "exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'del " + @.FmtFile + "'"
insert #output exec (@.Cmd)
if not exists (select 1 from dbo.tblImages_tmp) begin
set @.cmd = 'Error occurred while storing file <' + upper(@.FileName) + '> into a temporary table!'
raiserror (@.cmd, 15, 1)
return (1)
select @.DocumentID = DocumentID from dbo.tblDocuments d (nolock)
inner join #FileInfo f on d.AlternateName = f.AlternateName and d.DocumentName = @.FileName
-- Insert new tblDocuments record if it doesn't exist
if @.DocumentID is null begin
begin tran
insert dbo.tblDocuments (
DocumentName ,
[Description] ,
DocumentSize ,
AlternateName ,
CreattionDate ,
LastModified ,
LastAccessed ,
Attributes )
select @.TypeID, @.CategoryID, @.SubCategoryID,
@.FileName, @.FileDescription, @.FileSize, AlternateName,
dbo.fn_DateFromCharacter(CreationDate, CreationTime),
dbo.fn_DateFromCharacter(LastWrittenDate, LastWrittenTime),
dbo.fn_DateFromCharacter(LastAccessedDate, LastAccessedTime),
Attributes from #FileInfo
select @.DocumentID = scope_identity(), @.error = @.@.error
if @.error != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to initialize target table!', 15, 1)
rollback tran
return (1)
commit tran
-- Initialize IMAGE field with NULL
begin tran
update dbo.tblDocuments set DocumentImage = null where DocumentID = @.DocumentID
if @.@.error != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to initialize target field!', 15, 1)
rollback tran
return (1)
commit tran
-- Use UPDATETEXT to transfer the image from temporary table
select @.ptr = textptr(DocumentImage) from dbo.tblDocuments where DocumentID = @.DocumentID
select @.ptr_tmp = textptr(fImage) from dbo.tblImages_tmp
begin tran
updatetext tblDocuments.DocumentImage @.ptr 0 null tblImages_tmp.fImage @.ptr_tmp
if @.@.error != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to store document into target table!', 15, 1)
rollback tran
return (1)
-- Clear the temporary table
delete dbo.tblImages_tmp
if @.@.error != 0 begin
raiserror ('Failed to clear temporary table!', 15, 1)
rollback tran
return (1)
commit tran
return (0)
go|||Microsoft says it's not wise http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnproasp/html/binarydata.asp
Here is some samplecode to do it
-- OJ: TEXTCOPY example
-- Loading files into db &
-- exporting files out to folder
--create tb to hold data
create table tmp(fname varchar(100),img image default '0x0')
declare @.sql varchar(255),
@.fname varchar(100),
@.path varchar(50),
@.user sysname,
@.pass sysname
set @.user='myuser'
set @.pass='mypass'
--specify desired folder
set @.path='c:\winnt\'
set @.sql='dir ' + @.path + '*.bmp /c /b'
--insert filenames into tb
insert tmp(fname)
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.sql
--loop through and insert file contents into tb
declare cc cursor
for select fname from tmp
open cc
fetch next from cc into @.fname
while @.@.fetch_status=0
set @.sql='textcopy /s"'+@.@.servername+'" /u"'+@.user+'" /p"'+@.pass+'"
/d"'+db_name()+'" /t"tmp" /c"img" /w"where fname=''' + @.fname + '''"'
set @.sql=@.sql + ' /f"' + @.path + @.fname + '" /i' + ' /z'
print @.sql
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.sql ,no_output
fetch next from cc into @.fname
close cc
deallocate cc
select * from tmp
declare @.sql varchar(255),
@.fname varchar(100),
@.path varchar(50),
@.user sysname,
@.pass sysname
set @.user='myuser'
set @.pass='mypass,'
--specify desired output folder
set @.path='c:\tmp\'
set @.sql='md ' + @.path
--create output folder
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.sql
--loop through and insert file contents into tb
declare cc cursor
for select fname from tmp
open cc
fetch next from cc into @.fname
while @.@.fetch_status=0
set @.sql='textcopy /s"'+@.@.servername+'" /u"'+@.user+'" /p"'+@.pass+'"
/d"'+db_name()+'" /t"tmp" /c"img" /w"where fname=''' + @.fname + '''"'
set @.sql=@.sql + ' /f"' + @.path + @.fname + '" /o' + ' /z'
print @.sql
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.sql ,no_output
fetch next from cc into @.fname
close cc
deallocate cc
set @.sql='dir ' + @.path + '*.bmp /c /b'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.sql
drop table tmp
go|||Please read from the link that you posted and look for the authors (wink-wink, it's not Microsoft!)
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnproasp/html/professionalactiveserverpages.asp|||I see. I guess I assume if it's on MSDN it at least passed some review. A few reasons I can think of not to do it are DB performance in general, complexity of the code and apps to support it, and not being able to do incremental backups on a DB like you can for file system documents. It's an often debated topic. We have had at least 5 database backed commercial document management systems and none of them stored documents in the DB. Does MS's terraserver store images in the DB? (I don't know, just wondering.)|||I think that's the reason why it's called terra server, there is nothing else in it, just images.
Yukon will still support TEXT/NTEXT and IMAGE datatypes, but will introduce VARCHAR/NVARCHAR(MAX) as well.|||I am also working on saving IMAGE to MSSQL. I am using JAVA as language.
Please send me code at kuldips@.bsharp.com|||I would recommend to re-read the previous posts to eliminate further questions, because all the answers that can be possibly given to the questions...have been posted...|||THIS THREAD IS DEAD!
By posting to this thread and expecting any sort of helpful reply, you hearby declare yourself a moron of insufficient intelligence to browse the internet. For your own protection from phishers, overseas pharmaceutical marketers, and deposed Nigerian despots, please disconnect your 56K modem NOW!|||Hi there
I have a Stored procedure which stores image in SQL tables , if u are interested let me know , I will send you the code
Plz send the code to me too
my mail is :
yosif4444@.gmail.com|||yosif4444, you have hereby declared yourself a moron of the highest degree. A poster of insufficient intelligence to browse the internet. Please remove your coffee cup from your CD Drive tray, wipe the white-out off of your screen, unplug your computer, and go outside and play in the driveway.|||This sounds very useful.
Please message me with the code.
Many thanks.
DbaJames.|||This thread collects idiots like flypaper collects flies. DbaJames, you seem to have something stuck to your shoe...|||OK, I'm locking this thread to prevent others from displaying their ignorance.
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