Friday, March 23, 2012

How to include the date as part of the log file name...

Hello to all,
I'm using SQL Server agent to perform some schedule jobs.
I have it setup so that it will write to an result output
file (Jobs Steps -> Advanced -> Output file:
The problem is that I would like to name this output file
such as 'result%date%.log' where %date% is the current
date so that I can get a seperate log file each day.
Does anyone know how to do this ? %date% does not work.
Thanks in advance.
The way I have it up is that I do archiving of these output log files every
day as a separate job. In the archiving process I copy the files and add
date to the filename as follows:
declare @.cmd sysname
declare @.var sysname
set @.var = convert(varchar(11),getdate(),112)
--add date to file and archive
set @.cmd = 'copy e:\Logs\DBMaintenance\*.* e:\Logs\Archive_Logs\*' + @.var +
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.cmd
"Kin" <> wrote in message
> Hello to all,
> I'm using SQL Server agent to perform some schedule jobs.
> I have it setup so that it will write to an result output
> file (Jobs Steps -> Advanced -> Output file:
> The problem is that I would like to name this output file
> such as 'result%date%.log' where %date% is the current
> date so that I can get a seperate log file each day.
> Does anyone know how to do this ? %date% does not work.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kin|||I'm not sure that there is a direct way to do that in SQL Agent. You could
always build you're own backup log command and execute that directly. Also,
you could simply let the job name it what it wants, and then add a step that
uses xp_cmdshell to rename the file.
Brian Moran
Principal Mentor
Solid Quality Learning
SQL Server MVP
"Kin" <> wrote in message
> Hello to all,
> I'm using SQL Server agent to perform some schedule jobs.
> I have it setup so that it will write to an result output
> file (Jobs Steps -> Advanced -> Output file:
> The problem is that I would like to name this output file
> such as 'result%date%.log' where %date% is the current
> date so that I can get a seperate log file each day.
> Does anyone know how to do this ? %date% does not work.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kin|||>--Original Message--
>Hello to all,
>I'm using SQL Server agent to perform some schedule
>I have it setup so that it will write to an result output
>file (Jobs Steps -> Advanced -> Output file:
>The problem is that I would like to name this output file
>such as 'result%date%.log' where %date% is the current
>date so that I can get a seperate log file each day.
>Does anyone know how to do this ? %date% does not work.
>Thanks in advance.

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