Monday, March 26, 2012

how to insert a identity key through store procudure?

I want to insert 3 values to sql database through store procudure

-- a store procudure is like this--

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.FreeExperience

@.identity , nvarchar(20),
@.gender int,

Insert into list(cid,name,gender)
values (@.identity,,@.gender)



the cid is a identity value . it will +1 automatically when user insert a new data..

if i ingore this column in store procudure it will cause error (becuase this column is not allow null)

please help. thanks



PROCEDURE dbo.FreeExperience
INSERTINTO list(name,gender)values(,@.gender)



PROCEDURE dbo.FreeExperience2
SETIDENTITY_INSERT listON-- Allows Identity value to be supplied
Insertinto list(cid,name,gender)values(@.identity,,@.gender)

if you cid field is setup as identity in you table (cid int identity(1,1))

insert statement like this should work without any errors

Insert into list(name,gender)
values (,@.gender)

and identity value will be automatically set by SQL server


I still got error message...

exceptiona information: System.Data.Sqlclien.SqlException: procedure or parameters 'FreeExperience' must have a parameters'@.identity', but didn't provide..

p.s FreeExperience is my store procedure name..


If you want SQL Sever to automatically add the Identity value for you, you need to remove the column entirely from the proc, and your INSERT statement. If you want to manually supply the value then you use the SET IDENTITY_INSERT <Table> ON clause, and provide the value you want to be used instead. IF the column is a Primary Key for the table, you also need to make sure the value you are providing does not already exist.


thank you... but I am not sure if I really understand what did you mean

can you please give me a simple example for this ?

this store procudure is for a program which will insert new colum to table

1 column named " cid" in table which is set as a identity column will automatically +1 and insert to cid


Use this stored procedure
alter PROCEDURE dbo.FreeExperience nvarchar(20),
@.gender int,
Insert into list(name,gender) values (,@.gender)


this stored procedure will cause error

because the cid column is not allow to be null...


>>this stored procedure will cause error because the cid column is not allow to be null...

Identity columns are populated automatically by the database so the stored procedure will work!


thank you .. but it really doesn't works..

it continue showing the error message...

can't insert NULL to 'cid,table'list'; not allow Null。INSERT fail..

I checked all column in table list from database, all column allow null except column cid.

the statement will work only if I set the cid column as accept null ..

please help..


Modify ur table by setting the "IdentityIncrement=1, IdentitySeed=1" of column cId, then remove cId from ur storedprocedure



Modify ur table by setting the "IsIdentity=Yes, IdentityIncrement=1, IdentitySeed=1" of column cId, then remove cId from ur storedprocedure


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